2.3 - Information Quality

The General Reference
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When information is used and collected, it must be good quality. Should it not be good quality, a multitude of negative consequences could ensure:
  • Misinformed business desicions made
  • Bad publicity and loss of trust
  • Less innovation due to misleading information
In order for information to be good quality, it must meet a number of criteria:
  • Valid: Information must be be useful an not erroneous for it to be valid
  • Relevant: Information must be appropriate and purposefully retrieved
  • Unbiased: Information should take I to account all sides and points of view to ensure it is impartial
  • Comarable: Information must be factually truthful and should be fact checked. It should also be updated to ensure it remains accurate after it was recorded
  • Reliable: Information must come from sources that have a good track record for reporting correctly. All information should be sourced so it is clear where it was retrieved from

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